News Room
A Healing Aesthetic (Boston Globe, May 2006. If you hit this link you will be traveling to the Boston Globe webpage.)
Clinical Corner: The Healing Art (Brown Faculty Update, Spring 2006)
Physician/Painter Is a True Renaissance Man (Art Business News, January, 2005. If you hit this link you will be traveling to the Art Business News webpage.)
Working on a Broad Canvas, Physician Artist Finds Perfection amid Life's many Flaws (Yale Medicine, Winter 2004)
Practicing the "Art" of Medicine (George Street Journal, March 26,2004)
Zen Chuang's Soothing Blend of Worlds (Providence Journal, March 28, 2003)
Cheng-Chieh Chuang, Physician, Watercolorist (George Street Journal, February 2, 2001)